Edsá Sampaio

Board member

A seasoned entrepreneur with deep roots in Pernambuco, Brazil, Edsá Sampaio has become a titan on the investment scene, navigating sectors ranging from automotive to real estate to beverages with unparalleled acumen. Its strategic alliance with SweetSea in 2019 not only marked a new chapter, but became a defining moment in the company’s trajectory, paving the way to unprecedented heights. Drawing on a rich mosaic of experiences and a well-developed network, Edsá employs a synthesis of wisdom and innovation, taking SweetSea to the forefront of the industry with leadership that is rooted and at the same time visionary.

Silvia Longhi


At the nexus of science and innovation is Silvia Longhi, the driving force behind SweetSea’s innovative technology. Utilizing a rich background in biomedical sciences and thalassotherapy, Silvia has cultivated an inexhaustible source of innovation, transforming visionary concepts into reality. With a tireless commitment to promoting global health and sustainability, she continued the research of her father, who pioneered the development of a technology ready to quench the world’s thirst in the deepest sense, setting a new standard in the industry and carving a future where well-being and accessibility are not just goals, but a tangible reality for everyone.

André Sampaio

Board Chairman

A Civil Engineer graduated from Escola de Engenharia Mauá, he dedicated 20 years of his life to a renowned family construction company in Brazil, specializing in high-standard constructions throughout the national territory. He monitored the development of SweetSea technology for more than 20 years alongside Dr. Annibale and the inventor’s daughter Silvia, who is now a partner. It was in 2019 that, together with Silvia, he assumed a central role in SweetSea, combining his childhood fascination with manufacturing processes with a profound respect for water. Andre’s transformative leadership, imbued with passion and precision, was crucial to steering SweetSea from the construction of its first pilot plant to its current position as a disruptive company in the industry, synonymous with innovation and success.

Lucas Campos

Executive Director

A visionary since he was young, Lucas Campos began his entrepreneurial journey before reaching adulthood. Using educational and professional skills forged in Rio de Janeiro and refined in New York, he has become a beacon of vision and strategy in the business scene. In 2021, Lucas aligned himself with SweetSea’s revolutionary mission, identifying a synchronous path with his initial initiatives that focused on water accessibility. Using this harmonious vision, he has led the transformation from cutting-edge technology into a business powerhouse with a noble purpose: providing essential water resources to communities around the world. Today, as Executive Director, Lucas combines passion with expertise, leading SweetSea’s journey toward unprecedented success, and embodying the company’s commitment to promoting well-being through access to life’s most vital resource.

Magdiel Unglaub

International Trade Director

Holds a Master in Business degree at Andrews University in Michigan , studied Master in Divinity at Atlantic Union College, studied a Master Degree in Psychology at Fitchburg State College in Massachusetts. professor at University Unisa in Brazil , tv director at SBT and Record TV, consultant at KPMG, Accenture, Cargill, BIC, Walmart. Director at TAESA and member of ONS. Acting in more than 65 countries his enthusiasm about changing lives with water access was the key point for him to join our company