The Future is Salt-less

Letting Water Scarce Communities Dream of SweetSea

SweetSea Process

Water is collected from the sea and processed using high-tech equipment that performs nano filtration and preservation of minerals. Salt and impurities are removed, leaving only minerals and nutrients beneficial to human health. The water is produced within the quality standards required by industry and the environmental entities, in addition to guaranteeing the potability required by water control laws in the world.


1 – Pre Treatment

2 – Reverse Osmosis

3 – Treated water tank

4 – Water bottling

SweetSea Technology Treatment Process

With more than 25 years of research and practical studies of the inventor, the Mechanic Engineer Anibale Longhi,  SweetSea brings currently unparalleled technology capable of preserving the minerals present in seawater in the reverse osmosis desalination process.

Just remove the salt

Our reverse osmosis process called SweetSea is the only one that preserve the desired minerals and keeps them in the water, removing only the salt.

Unparalleled quality

The treatment is odorlesscolorless and tasteless and its minerals remain in molecular balance. The result is a high quality drinking water.

Plant compatibility

The technology can be implemented in existing and operating plants, eliminating the need for the acquisition of new equipment.